Hot Engine Simulation

Hot Engine Simulation

This is a fun little project I took on, this is to simulate an engine that is overheating and acts appropriately, according to the EMD SD40-2 Operators Manual.

Basic Operation:
If Engine speed is above Notch 6 or higher, the engine will simulate an overheated condition after the alarm goes off, the RPM will drop to idle until the alarm silences, then resume responding to auto notching (I will update at a later time to support manual notching). Speed of the locomotive will still respond to your throttle setting.

This function can be set up to a function key, or just be activated via F8, would be useful if you model DRGW or SP and have long tunnels or snowsheds and have motors you run through that aren't tunnel motors, or if you want to have a simulated "problem child" in your fleet.

If its set on a function key, the overheat timer will remain active until it runs out, so if you re enable the function it will continue counting down until it overheats.

As it runs on, if you do not lower the throttle from notch 6 or higher, it will overheat faster, simulating an engine that has not fully cooled down.

The higher the throttle notch, the faster it will overheat.

The countdown timers to overheating are slightly randomized, so if multiple engines operate with this added to it, they will overheat and cool off at slightly different times.

How to use: